
Important: It is important to ensure you are using the most up to date version of the iBand+ app.  Visit your app store to see if there is a latest version of the iBand+ app available.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that the iBand+ is fully charged.
  2. Turn off your iBand+. Wait for 5 sec and turn it on again. Please make sure to read the iBand+ User Manual in detail and follow all the steps mentioned in “Getting Started” (on Page 6) in the correct order. If this doesn’t work, then go to step 3.
  3. Open the iBand+ app. Go to the menu and tap “Forget Device”. Then connect again via the app by following the instructions on your mobile screen.

IF CONNECTING TO A NEW PHONE, remember to first “Forget Device” on your old phone (if applicable).

If you cannot sync your sleep data then please follow the below steps:

  1. Ensure that the iBand+ battery is not fully drained.
  2. If the Bluetooth connection could not be established:
  • Turn off your iBand+. Wait for 5 sec and turn it on again.
  • Quit the app and re-launch it.
  1. (For Android only) Ensure that Battery Optimization for iBand+ app is turned off on your phone. Please read iBand+ User Manual for step-by-step instructions.